International Committee
Posted by Brian Rosteck
on Jun 12, 2015
Our committee has two main areas of oversight, The Exchange Student Program and also the International Projects Program.
For the Exchange Student Program, we are excited to learn that we have another student lined up for next year. Our student is from Japan and we are in the process of securing host families. We have one host family at this time, the school district will be Linn Mar. It is critical that we line up our host families in the near future. The project we are working on involves connecting with entities outside of Rotary to source the host families. As the host family does not need to be involved in Rotary, we are reaching out to other groups to plant the seed and hopefully garner support for the program. We would ask that each MNR member think of a group they belong to outside of Rotary, who the best contact may be for that group, and then pass it along to a committee member so that we can connect with them.
For the International Project side of the committee. Jack Hardin would like to go to Senegal later this year to continue his good work and he has made the initial contact overseas to start the process. He will let us know what we can do to support this effort. Patti also has a project in Nicaragua that we could team up with Habitat for Humanity on. Our area of focus right now is understanding the Rotary Global Grant. Patti & Brian are currently researching the Rotary Global Grant as an additional level support for our projects. As a club, we have never applied for the Global Grant. With a grant levels starting at $30,000, we could support a much larger project than in the past.