Trisha Hinke Photo
In three weeks, P.A. student Trisha Hinke will be traveling to Xicotepec, Mexico on a graduate-level medical mission. Metro North Rotary is proud to sponsor her travel with Rotary District 5970, which is comprised of 54 clubs. Once Trisha arrives in the town near Mexico City, she will collaborate with Rotary International and work with dental teams, pharmacists, and visit children in schools to deworm them.
Born and raised in Cedar Rapids, this Iowa native has extended her experience and service well beyond the state’s borders. Trisha has studied at the University of Kentucky, traveled to Tasmania, and went on a trip to Honduras that she said had the most impact on her and her future plans to practice in global health.
Trisha is currently a student at Des Moines University and received her undergraduate degree from the University of Northern Iowa. She has one full year of school that will involve 12 rotations before she completes her education.
She is intrigued by different cultures and says she keeps an open mind to encourage interaction. Trisha said she strives to become a P.A. that patients feel comfortable with and connected to.