Corridor Business Journal
John Lohman is CEO, President, Founder, and Co-owner of the Corridor Media Group (CMG), Inc, which he founded in his basement with his wife, Aspen, in 2004.
This independent, family-owned media business publishes the Corridor Business Journal (CBJ) and the Quad Cities Regional Business Journal (QCBJ), biweekly business publications focused on providing local business news, information and events to business and community leaders in the Cedar Rapids and Iowa City (Iowa) Corridor and the Quad Cities.
Mr. Lohman has worked in a variety of fields including: politics, public relations, and journalism.
He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies and Master’s Degree in Journalism from the University of Iowa.
Mr. Lohman received the 2008 Iowa Small Business Person of the Year Award from the U.S. Small Business Administration and the 2008 Neal Smith Entrepreneur of the Year Award for the State of Iowa from the Iowa Small Business Development Centers.
Mr. Lohman has served and continues to serve on a number of civic, charitable and non-profit boards, committees and task forces. He previously served as the Board President of the Alliance of Area Business Publications (AABP), the trade group representing business journals across the world.
Additionally, Mr. Lohman is an active member of the (Downtown) Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids. He is also a Paul Harris Fellow and former Rotary club board member.
Mr. Lohman lives in North Liberty, Iowa with his wife, Aspen; son, Quincy, and daughter, Lucy.